By Anonymous June 10, 2009

Welcome back everyone! I am no longer going to be doing Blazenhawks is Burning. Instead, I'm now going to be doing reviews on games to let you know if you should buy it, rent it, or don’t even think about it. Also, I am going to be rating the game/person/company on a star rating of 0 to 5. Five stars being the Max. So let’s get this started.
Today I am going to review Tiger Woods PGA tour 2010. This game came out yesterday and after playing it pretty much all day I found that the game was very fun, even if you never played a golf game before. The review below is from This review is from our site. First you start off by either creating your own player or you can take a picture of yourself to put in the game; either one does take time. Now after you do that you can either go play challenges, play in the PGA Tour or with one of the new features of going to play online tournaments. The graphics are amazing! They go into detail about the littlest face feature. It’s amazing. The game play is fun. They make it hard to be first in every tournament which makes it really fun and not boring. A new feature to the game is precision putting.
The only thing that was wrong with this game was when you are playing online you get this weird things happen were you just start in the middle of know where a big glitch with the game.
So for my rating I would give Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2010: 4 stars out of 5. It is that fun and entertaining and it’s a good game to have until Madden and Modern Warfare 2 comes out.
I would say to buy this game, it is worth the $60. Thank you for reading and you can also follow us on twitter, facebook and MySpace just search for Xbox Live Network or click it on our page. Have a good week!
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