Welcome back to NFL Picks!
Here were the standout selections from Week 3:
- Everyone's correct picks: Chargers, Steelers
- BlazenHawks was the only "dumb one" to get the Jaguars wrong.
- Stopable was the only one to choose the Bears and Dolphins and got them both wrong.
- Jerhawk was the only one to choose the N.Y. Giants correctly.
- JohnnyX77 was the only one to select the Buffalo Bills for the second consecutive week, and got it correct again. However, we was also the only person to get the Rams wrong.
- S.R.O. was the only one to choose the Seahawks for the second straight week, and this time got it right.
- sitonmyfac3509 was the only person to choose the Vikings incorrectly. However, he was the only one to get the Raiders correct.
- Deus Legend was the only one to choose the Texans incorrectly.
The standings from Week 3 alone:
1.) sitonmyfac3509 / 11
T2.) Stopable / 10
T2.) Jerhawk / 10
T2.) JohnnyX77 / 10
T2.) S.R.O. / 10
6.) Deus Legend / 9
7.) BlazenHawks / 8
Now for the overall PowerRankings, presented this week by Kraft Foods:
1.) JohnnyX77 / 32
2.) BlazenHawks / 30
3.) Deus Legend / 29
T4.) Stopable / 28
T4.) Jerhawk / 28
6.) S.R.O. / 27
7.) sitonmyfac3509 / 22
Here's the Week 4 match-ups. Please have your picks in prior to the kickoff of the particular game you're choosing for:
Bills @ Bengals
Vikings @ Chiefs
Lions @ Cowboys
49ers @ Eagles
Panthers @ Bears
Saints @ Jaguars
Redskins @ Rams
Steelers @ Texans
Titans @ Browns
Giants @ Cardinals
Falcons @ Seahawks (Deus Legend vs. Jerhawk/S.R.O./BlazenHawks?)
Broncos @ Packers
Patriots @ Raiders
Dolphins @ Chargers
Jets @ Ravens (Sunday Night)
Colts @ Buccaneers (Monday Night)
Thanks everyone, and good luck!