Thursday, December 19
NFL Picks: Week 15 Results / Week 16 Picks
Welcome back to NFL Picks! I hope everyone is liking our mid season change in how we do our picks on Google docs directly into the Excel file.
Here were the standout picks from Week 15:
Everyone's correct picks: Falcons, 49ers, Colts, Chiefs, Panthers, Cardinals
Everyone's incorrect picks: Eagles, Saints, Bengals, Broncos
Stopable was the only one to get the Ravens and Dolphins correct
Stopable was the only one to get the Browns wrong
BlazenHawks was the only one to get the Giants wrong and the Packers correct
Natedogg was the only one to get the Bills correct
Deus Legend and Jerhawk had identical picks
The results from Week 15:
T1.) Stopable / 9
T1.) Natedogg / 9
T2.) Jerhawk / 8
T2.) Deus Legend /8
T2.) BlazenHawks / 8
The overall PowerRankings, presented in part this week by Nissan:
1.) Stopable / 148
2.) Deus Legend / 146
3.) Natedogg / 139
4.) Jerhawk / 134
5.) JohnnyX / 130
6.) BlazenHawks / 122
7.) Gundamaster / 108
The Week 16 match-ups are on the Excel file in Google docs, just click the link below. The games will be on the further right hand column, please make your picks in your appropriate column under your name prior to kickoff of the particular game you're choosing for. Thank you.
Categories: NFL Picks
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