Wednesday, December 25

NFL Picks: Week 16 Results / Week 17 Picks

Welcome back to NFL Picks!

The results from Week 16:

1.) Natedogg / 11
T2.) Jerhawk /10
T2.) Blazenhawks /10
T4.) Deus Legend /9
T4.) Stopable /9
T4.) JohnnyX / 9

The overall PowerRankings, presented in part this week by Playstation 4:

1.) Stopable / 156
2.) Deus Legend / 154
3.) Natedogg / 149
4.) JohnnyX / 147
5.) Jerhawk / 143
6.) BlazenHawks / 132
7.) Gundamaster / 108

Please make your pick in the Google docs prior to kickoff of the particular game you're choosing for. Also, in the excel spreadsheet, scroll below the divisional winners area and you can pick the five major BCS Bowl Games, worth 1 point each.

Thank you, and good luck!


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